# 337/2018 Zaključena

Podnesena: 2018-09-24 14:23:53
Podnio: gianna den aster
Tekst prijave: Dear Kotor city, This weekend I walked with my friends from the French and Sweden, at old fortress of the old town of Kotor. We paid the ticket 8 euros.There are garbage on all sides of this destination, please can you take care of it... it is not good for the tourism of your beautiful city Kotor. Best regards, Gianna Den Aster from Sweden
Način obavještenja: Nije navedeno
Opis adrese: fortress of kotor

Investicije (Direkcija za Uređenje i Izgradnju Kotora)

Lista odgovora

2018-09-24 14:58:21

Your complaint has been forwarded to the competent service.

2018-09-27 14:53:05

The garbage has been is cleaned.